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A Company 4 Platoon

Started by kingo, June 18, 2010, 11:11:00 AM

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Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

Peter Beckett

4th row from the front, extreme left is Private William Leyland (incorrectly spelled Layland)
My maternal Grandfather died 1957 and buried in Nelson General Cemetery.



My maternal Grandfather CQMS Harold Howard, in second seated row (row that is 3rd from front counting the two laying on the ground), 5th man from the left.  Wounded in France (1916?). Sustained fractured femur which necessitated removal of 4-5" of bone. Enlisted 25Nov14, discharged unfit for service Nov19.

He died of natural causes in 1966 and is buried in St Petersburg, Florida, USA.


I browsed through photo albums of my family, descended from my grandfather Harold Howard, #20434 22nd Manchester's, and have found the following pics that I think are not located on the forum as yet.  Of course any information on the men other than my grandfather would be greatly appreciated. 

Pic of three men, my grandfather in the middle.
Group pic, he is in back row, 2nd from right.
And of course the last is of him only...


Tim Bell

The 1st photo will be Senior NCOs of 22nd Battalion. I imagine you will identify these men from the Platoon images. Wonderful photo
Following one Platoon and everything around them....


Thank you Tim.  I was hoping one of you knowledgeable folks would give me a tip that would help me narrow my search!

Yes, it is a wonderful photo.  I've been so focused on working with what I find online, that I totally forgot of the treasure trove right in my house.  Foolish.
