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Identify this please

Started by selwyn, April 12, 2010, 01:55:44 PM

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Can you please give me as much information as possible on these two pictures, when taken and where etc, thanks in advance


My father John William Taylor 3524039 Manchester Reg.died 1945 Burma.
The first photo is the only one I have with him in a proper uniform and I would like to know the significence of the white belt, inverted stripes... ( he was a lance corporal but lost his stripes ) and whatever the crossed swords on the left arm mean..
I had no idea when it was taken but he was made a Lance Corporal in June 1942 in India and as he never came back it must have been taken in India.

The group phot.. He served in Bermuda  when he was young... then Egypt and Palestine.. BEF then India in 1942.
Possibly taken in India ??


The top photograph shows a soldier with a rank of private, the two chevrons denote six years good service ( good conduct chevrons) the crossed swords means he it is a physical training instructor (PTI), the reef could have the letters MG this would denote he is a trained machine gun, which would be correct for the Regiment as all of the Manchester Regiment battalions were machine gun battalions. The uniform he is wearing,Could be his walking out uniform, soldiers would have also carried a cane if they were being let out a barracks.

I cannot tell you anything for the group photograph over then it was taken in a hot country.


Here is the medal roll for the 1st Bn, with Palestine clasp. I believe he had left the battalion after it returned to Egypt,( 1st Bn moved to Singapore 3rd Sept 1938) and come back to England. This would have made him a reserve so when the Second World War started he would have been called up and posted to his battalion which in his case was the 1st Bn, this battalion was in Singapore, he may have asked to be posted to the second Battalion as this unit moved out to France to be with the BEF. After being evacuated from France the second Battalion  later were posted to India and Burma as a machine gun Battalion.


Thank you themonsstar,
He joined the Regiment in 1930.. but was still in the TA..
I was surprised to learn that the stripes were good conduct stripes as he had nine pages of charges up to 1939.
I have his service record and he was in Moascar Egypt in May 1937 when he signed on to complete 12 years.
He did not leave the Army .. was with the BEF then served near Beverley on machine guns until he went to India in 1942.
There is nothing on record to say he was a fitness instructor so thanks again for the explanation.
He did have a cane which was passed on to me... it does have numbers impressed on the side but not my fathers No..
So six years stripes mean that the photograph was taken after 1936.
My fathers sister gave me the photograph so may be before he married my mother in 1937.

The second photograph shows my father the first on the front row and has names of the others on the back... but as you say  it is just a hot country and could be anywhere..


Just noticed for the first time that the cane is under his right arm

Robert Bonner

I don't think that there is any doubt that the second photo is taken whilst with the 2nd Battalion in India, prior to them going to Burma and Kohima.



Hi Selwyn
If you let us have the other names I am sure someone will be able to confirm it is when he was with the 2nd Battalion.
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC


The second photograph must have been taken in India between June 1942 when made a corporal an November 1942 when he is again a pte.
The names are written in pencil and the first is very faded.
Back row    AV Wil***    PO Worsley  Padfield

Front row  L/c Taylor  Porter  L/c Foote  Sgt Squires

My father was in D company was a machine gunner and range finder  D Co. did not go to Kohima or Imphal


Forgot to state that it was the 2nd Bat.