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military medal winners [update]

Started by tonyrod, October 24, 2007, 11:32:09 AM

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hi, i am researching the roll of honour in my local club  in BLACKPOOL and found        J KIRKHAM MM
I AM TRYING TO FIND THE RIGHT ONE, FROM 3  I AM LOOKING AT                   are  pte 25232 Joseph kirkham  25th kings Liverpool  LG 14-5-1919
PTE 2415 J KIRKHAM R.LANCS R  LG 16-11-1916
no info of any help in London gazette,     
any help and info greatly appreciated .TONY
update 9549 j kirkham lancs fusiliers  2nd battalion.  it would seem they all came home


well i have managed to find the right one  ;D, WITH HELP FROM THE LOCAL PAPER in the obituaries, its PRIVATE 9549 JOHN KIRKHAM MM 2ND BN LANCS FUSILIERS, HE DIED IN BLACKPOOL AT THE AGE OF 84, if anyone could help with more info  on him it would be greatly  appreciated.       ;D  great feeling   tonyrod


Well done tony  ;D

Sometimes you can't beat good old fashioned research !!  I wish I had some great stuff to add for you, sadly I just wanted to congratulate you on "feeling great"

Wendi  :)
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha


cheers Wendi,  yes its a good feeling, but when there regiments can not give you any info you wonder were to turn, i called in my local club for a pint or two as you do,  i was told by the sec the local paper was coming on Friday to do a little story on our roll of honour board and regiment and ships plaques  the members have started to bring them in , so i rung the reporter who put me in touch the the papers researcher i gave her the info i had and she got back to me with in 20 Min's , he died in 1978 aged 84, so i can now put up his own little bit of info at the side of the roll of honour along with our other mm winner,  all in all i have had a great couple of weeks ,and Friday is president's day,  :P very cheep  drink i will be stopping in saturday i think ;D tony


Quote from: tonyrod on October 24, 2007, 11:32:09 AM
hi, i am researching the roll of honour in my local club  in BLACKPOOL and found        J KIRKHAM MM
I AM TRYING TO FIND THE RIGHT ONE, FROM 3  I AM LOOKING AT                   are  pte 25232 Joseph kirkham  25th kings Liverpool  LG 14-5-1919
PTE 2415 J KIRKHAM R.LANCS R  LG 16-11-1916
no info of any help in London gazette,     
any help and info greatly appreciated .TONY
update 9549 j kirkham lancs fusiliers  2nd battalion.  it would seem they all came home


Quote from: tonyrod on November 06, 2007, 07:25:30 PM
all in all i have had a great couple of weeks ,and Friday is president's day,  :P very cheep  drink i will be stopping in saturday i think ;D tony

Shhhhhhh  someone might hear  ;D

Almost worth a bunch of daisies for the papers researcher, can't count how many times I've heard of requests to papers that fell on deaf ears, never mind coming back within 20 mins with the info ~ well done her !!!!

Wendi  :)
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha


 hi wendi ,the  article posted  1978 he was 83 not 84. had a great day on the friday but sunday was even better.  tony


"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


cheers harribobs,  good feeling on the Sunday  to see john kirkhams  info on display   a lot of people  were asking who he was , well now they know and rightly so.  tony


here is the entry from the London Gazette



cheers dave, i had a copy myself, but i have  no other info on how or were he won his mm/  cheers any way. tony


It's quite a long list for MM awards, so there were too many to put any more details in the Gazette. It would be nice to know if they were published anywhere.
I have a soldiers record who had an award and there was a description of his action in there, but I couldn't find that anywhere else - perhaps in local papers.


Sorry to disappoint you guys but my understanding is the Military Medal was awarded with one citation in the box with the medal. 

If the recipient chose to destroy it that, or it was lost in time.  It is lost.

As an aside to WW1 but worth mentioning here is the reason I know this is because my Pa won the MM in WW2, which I have together with the box and slip of paper with the Kings signature (fax) but not citation, however the Commendation has recently become available on

Needless to say he never mentioned the day, but in the last diary I have of his, he records the date as the name of the battle  :'(

Sorry guys I think it's unlightly
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha


hi Wendi ,and  Dave, i fully understand the London gazette  just printing the awards recipients ,  its the local papers the stories were in and how they won their awards if the recipients or families  wanted it. so  you never know what could turn up, and i never get disappointed   :-\:-\well only closing time. tony


Does anyone know if they might have been recorded in the Guardian, being a Manchester paper in those days. The archives are online, for a subscription, but there is a free 24hour inroductory offer.
