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3534561 Pte. J.C.Jackson, 1st Bn The Manchester Regiment

Started by nightman, October 23, 2007, 04:13:51 PM

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Dear All, after my trip to the Netherlands the Kanselarij Der Nederlandse Orden can only provide a general statement about the award of the Bronze Cross by Royal Decree of 24th April 1946 nr.29 to the above named soldier. Would the Battalion War Diary contain any record of the action relevant to this appointment ? TTFN


i don't know where you would go on with this, i know Roy did some research but i suspect it was for WW1 awards

have you got his records from the MOD?
"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


Dear Minkey, travelled down the MOD road to no avail. despite sending them detailed enquiry I received what I would term a " general " photocopy  reply to a question I never asked and if I did want to buy more kites please get in touch with...............!  at some point though I will have to call it a day, but not just yet, toodle pip

Robert Bonner

This is a WWII award. 
Private Jackson was awarded the MM and also Mentioned in Despatches with the 1st Battalion for service in NW Europe.  Probably between September 1944 and January 1945. There is no mention of him in Bell's history - which does not surprise me.  He was not very good at mentioning individuals!!

What was the purpose of the original enquiry?


hello Robert, a pal of mine has the chap's Release Book but not a computer. Pte.Jackson has MM after his name in all instances it is recorded. Ashton -under-Lyne local history archive only has a Medal Card recording a MiD. Bell's book has him down for the MiD as a NWE award but also records him as already having the MM. His joining the colours is recorded  I believe, 1939. My only thought left is the War Diary. However, as I have never seen the contents of one of these I do not know how detailed entries are . I would have thought though that a MM would justify inclusion. That's the background

Robert Bonner

Even if you were able to trace the war diary for that period I do not think that it would help.  The war diary records the events of the day or week.  The fact that someone carries out an act of bravery or similar might be mentioned but that would be all.  To be given an award requires quite a lot of paperwork and after being started by the company commander or platoon commander, then has to work its way up the chain of command to a higher authority. The exception to that would be for an immediate award - again has be authorised by the appropriate higher authority.

There is still one 1st Battalion WWII MM recipient alive and I will try and find out if he can throw any light on Jackson.




P.S hello Robert , do you not find it strange in Bell's book that he lists Pte. Jackson as already a MM holder for the MiD's section and doesn't list him as a recipient for the MM NWE campaign ?    just a thought

Robert Bonner


You are quite right.  However Bell did have a number of problems in writing the history.  First of all he was a sailor!!

When he comes to WWII his history is more of an overall perspective of the grand military situation rather than a regimental history, apart from his descriptions of  the Dunkirk campaign where he drew on the recent memories of a number of those who had taken part. The feeling amongst most members of the Regiment at the time of publication was of disappointment.  Hence the need for people like Lieut Colonel Rex King-Clark to write his two books about the 2nd Manchesters and Kohima and the Burma campaign.

To be fair to Bell, he did not have access to the many official documents which are, even now, still being made available sixty years on.


He is not in the Honours & Awards 1937-1946 to any of the Manch Battalions for an MM, its only is Bronze Cross.


It follows then that L/Sgt. Abram, S, M.M. 3710357 is also not listed in the Honours & Awards 1937-1946 to any of the Manchester Battalions

Robert Bonner

Lance Sergeant Abram of the 7th Battalion was Mentioned in Despatches (LG 9.8.45).  He is also recorded elsewhere as being awarded the MM  - but no verification.



Quote from: Robert Bonner on November 07, 2007, 08:56:20 PM
He is also recorded elsewhere as being awarded the MM  - but no verification.

How can that be ???

Wendi  :)
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha


PM sent, I believe the relevant date for J C Jacksons action which led to the bronze cross is 22 oct 1944, near S'HERTOGENBOSCH.

Kind regards