The militia was a trained local part-time force,with its origins in the Middle Ages for home defence in times of rebellion or invasion. The militia act of 1757, re-established one or more regiments for each county, raised from volunteers, conscripts chosen by ballot from each parish. Until 1871, rising and training of local militias, was the responsibility of the Lord-Lieutenant of the county.
After the reorganisation of the Army on a territorial basis in 1881, the County militia regiments became the third and fourth battalions of their local regiments, during the period of the Boer War 1899-1902 the third and fourth militia battalions of the Manchester Regt became regular battalions and were deployed to South Africa, so two new militia battalions were formed the 5th & 6th militia battalions. Not long after the boer war had finished the 5th & 6th Bn were stood down, and the third and fourth reverted back to being militia battalions.
In 1908, the militia were renamed the special reserve, those in the special reserve held the same liabilities as ordinary Army reservists of being called out for permanent service at home or abroad in an emergency.All reservists had to undergo annual training at the local depot.
The Militia records for the 63rd Foot (Manchester) 1886-1908 are held at the National Archives.
The records are in WO96, in alphabetical order, to order a file at the NA KEW, for example you'll need the WO96 and then sub file number "eg" WO96/1013 will get you the surnames of "KERR-LEA"
986 AAR-AYL.
987 BAC-BIR.
993 CAP-CHA.
996 COR-CUM.
997 CUN-DAW.
998 DAY-DON.
999 DOO-DYS.
1000 EAG-EZA.
1001 FAG-FIT.
1002 FITZ-FUR.
1003 GAB-GIL.
1004 GIM-GRE.
1005 GREG-HAN.
1006 HAND-HAR.
1007 HAS-HIG.
1008 HIGG-HOL.
1009 HOLT-HUN.
1010 HUNS-JOH.
1011 JOHN-JUS.
1012 KAD-KER.
1013 KERR-LEA.
1014 LEAC-LLO.
1015 LOA-McC.
1016 McCA-McL.
1017 McM-MAS.
1018 MASO-MIT.
1019 MITF-MOR.
1020 MOS-MYO.
1021 NAB-OBY.
1022 OCO-PAR.
1023 PARK-PLA.
1024 PLE-RED.
1025 REDF-ROB.
1026 ROBI-RYE.
1027 SAD-SHE.
1028 SHEP-SMI.
1029 SMIT-SPE.
1030 SPI-SYM.
1031 TEA-THO.
1032 THOM-TYS.
1033 ULL-WAL.
1034 WALS-WES.
1035 WEST-WIL.
1036 WILL-WOM.
1037 WOO-ZUI.