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Officers of the 2nd Battalion Manch Regt July 1937

Started by themonsstar, April 24, 2009, 05:34:27 PM

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Northern Command

15th Infantry Brigade
The Bn arrived form the Sudan on 27th Dec 1933.

Quartered at Strensall.

Tel 33 & 34

Officers' Mess Tel 29

Commanding Lt Col E.B.Costin D.S.O.
2nd-in-Command  Maj E.B. Holmes M.C.
Adjutant  Capt G.Frampton.
Quartermaster  Capt F.Snow D.C.M.

Maj C.D. Moorhead M.C.
Maj B.H. Levis.
Capt B.H.Churchill M.C.
Capt E.L.Shewell.
Capt A.L.Alderton.
Capt H.D.Dook.
Capt F.G.W.Axworthy.
Lt E.F.Woolsey.
Lt C.H.R.Hyde.
Lt V.A.Chiodetti.
Lt K.R.F.Black.
Lt C.K.Mott.
Lt G.F.Doran.
Lt B.A.P.Lambert.
Lt J.L.Fouracre.
2/Lt H.D.Dent.
2/Lt J.A.C.Fitch.
2/Lt E.J.C.Spanton.
2/Lt J.R.V.Brewster.

P.R.I  Maj E.B.Holmes M.C.
P.M.C. Lt C.K.Mott.
Sports Officer Lt V.A.Chiodetti.
RSM  RSM T.Quinn M.M.
Bandmaster   Bandmaster F.L.Statham, L.R.A.M.  A.R.C.M.


Roy, is that Strensall York?  If yes does anyone know which cemetery may have been used for any men of the Regiment who may have died there?  I am only about 10 miles from Strensall York so could easilly visit and photograph any graves.
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC

Robert Bonner

Yes  - Strensall near York.  There are several memorials to the Regiment in the
Garrison Church, Strensall, York.  One is  a memorial window of a fleur de lys within a circle surmounted by a crown.  The text: 1933 - XCVI - 1938.

This commemorates the stay of 2nd Manchesters at Strensall between December 1933 and March 1938. Dedicated July 1939 by the Archbishop of York.

The names on the list which Mons Star has produced are worth a second look.

Tony Fitch became Adjutant 2nd Manchesters in 1939/40 and during the Dunkirk campaign. As Lieutenant Colonel commanded 3rd Bn the Parachute Regiment.  Killed in action at Arnhem.  Buried in Arnhem Oosterbeek War Cemetery, Holland.
Both Eric Costin and Tim Moorhead became Major Generals and, in their turn, Colonels of The Regiment.
Major Hyde achieved fame as being the senior Manchester officer in the POW camps in Thailand.
Clavell Spanton, Later Lieutenant Colonel, managed to escape to Ceylon after a hair raising voyage following the collapse of Singapore.
Holmes, Woolsey and Fouracre all later commanded battalions of the Regiment.
Freddie Snow - Bisley champion and later Lieutenant Colonel.
Bandmaster Statham went on to greater musical heights, including Director of Music at Sandhurst and later to one of the Guards Regiments.


Thanks Robert
I have a couple of busy weeks this and next week but will then try to arrange a visit and take some photographs.
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC


I had not seen this site before but found it whilst searching for anything on the Garrison Church Strensall.

The photo on the web site is quite small but I have managed to enlarge it a little.  I have also picked up a couple of phone numbers for the Padre there so will give them a try next week.

Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC


Quote from: themonsstar on April 24, 2009, 05:34:27 PM
Northern Command

15th Infantry Brigade
The Bn arrived form the Sudan on 27th Dec 1933.

Quartered at Strensall.

Tel 33 & 34

Officers' Mess Tel 29

Commanding Lt Col E.B.Costin D.S.O.
2nd-in-Command  Maj E.B. Holmes M.C.
Adjutant  Capt G.Frampton.
Quartermaster  Capt F.Snow D.C.M.

Maj C.D. Moorhead M.C.
Maj B.H. Levis.
Capt B.H.Churchill M.C.
Capt E.L.Shewell.
Capt A.L.Alderton.
Capt H.D.Dook.
Capt F.G.W.Axworthy.
Lt E.F.Woolsey.
Lt C.H.R.Hyde.
Lt V.A.Chiodetti.
Lt K.R.F.Black.
Lt C.K.Mott.
Lt G.F.Doran.
Lt B.A.P.Lambert.
Lt J.L.Fouracre.
2/Lt H.D.Dent.
2/Lt J.A.C.Fitch.
2/Lt E.J.C.Spanton.
2/Lt J.R.V.Brewster.

P.R.I  Maj E.B.Holmes M.C.
P.M.C. Lt C.K.Mott.
Sports Officer Lt V.A.Chiodetti.
RSM  RSM T.Quinn M.M.
Bandmaster   Bandmaster F.L.Statham, L.R.A.M.  A.R.C.M.


Lt. Col. J.L. Fouracre was a family member off my Dad's side. I'm waiting to hear back from my Dad as to what relation he was exactly, but if there's any more information on him and what he did, where he did it, etc. It would be greatly appreciated. I do have a picture of him on the last day of the Manchesters at Warley Barracks, Brentwood, Essex. I am happy to share it, if it would be appreciated here, too?.

Thank you.

Richard Fouracre.

Robert Bonner

Lieut-Colonel Jack Fouracre was the last commanding officer of the 1st Bn Manchester Regiment - January 1956 / June 1958. Full details of his period in command, with many photographs, are contained in my book The Manchester Regiment 1945 - 1958..  Copies are available by post from the museum web-site or direct from Portland Basin Museum in Ashton-under-Lyne.


Hi Robert.

Thanks for the reply. I just purchased 2 copies of the book. One for myself, one for my Dad - a nice belated Birthday / Father's Day gift, indeed. My Dad is going to find out exactly how he was a relative, but it's very interesting and exciting news to find out.

Thank you.

Richard Fouracre.

Robert Bonner

A photograph of the officers of the 2nd Battalion was taken at Aldershot on 7th September 1939.  There is a copy facing page 300 in AC Bell's History of The Manchester Regiment


this is from the regimental history by A C Bell.
Best wishes.

Tim Bell

Following one Platoon and everything around them....


I'm a new visitor to the forum and doing some family history research. Are there any members who can provide some information about Lt. G F Doran of the pre-WWII 2nd Bn? TIA


Lt Doran was seconded to the RAOC as an O.O. (Ordnance Officer?) 4th Class on 16.07.1937. He was retained by the RAOC and removed from the Manchester Regt on 30.08.1940. He remained with the RAOC till his retirement on account of disability on 05.02.1946. On retirement he was granted the honourary rank of Lt.Col. And at some stage he had been awarded the MBE.
