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24th Battalion A Company platoon 1 photos

Started by lindsayhyde, July 08, 2010, 01:40:41 AM

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Hello Harribobs.....great work getting these pics together...and I appologise if this is not the posting to ask you a question re these photo's but was wondering when these pics were taken....and I notice that the roll numbers all start with '1'...I am looking for any info for my grand father Richard Hyde 28168 who served with the Man 24 (Oldham Pals) and any photos etc which may reference him. He enlisted on 25 Sept 1915 at Hollinwood and was discharged from wounds 23.Aug 1917. So trying to track down a photo of his battalion/platoon/company would be an absolute bonus as we have no pictures of him during this part of his life.



hi lindsay

the battalion completed it's original target enlistment january 1915, i suspect these photos were taken in May or June (if by the foliage on the trees)  as far as i know there weren't any official platoon photos taken after that time

"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


Thank you both thermonsstar and harribobs.....again your info is invaluable....

I appreciate very much.



Quote from: lindsayhyde on July 12, 2010, 12:53:22 AM
Thank you both thermonsstar and harribobs.....again your info is invaluable....

I appreciate very much.


Thanks other it possible to determine which company/platoon my G.Father Richard Hyde (28168) may have been attached to in the 24th Man? I have obtained copies of the war diaries from around the time and including the date his service records mention he was wounded on the 7th July 1916 but at this time the 24th were at their 'billets' after being in the trenches during an advance by troops. I assume my G.Father was actually wounded prior to the 7th july but the diaries only mention the number of casualties and not specific names (unless an officer). there any way of determining his company/platoon and is there any info in the diaries I am missing which tells me the company he was with when he was wounded etc??

Sorry for more questions.....



don't worry about asking questions, we will always try to find the answers  ;)
"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


Hi Harribos.....can you tell which battalion a soldier was attached to from their service number? ie my grandfather Richard Hyde 24th  Manchester - 28168- or even the company/platoon etc?? always



only in the original battalions, as the war progressed numbers were used through out the regiment
"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


I C ..thanks for the its a matter of determining which platton/company was formed around the time of the sequencing or were the all scattered through out the battalion. ie all of the numbers around 2816 were all kept together to form a platton/company??
