Author Topic: Rank of A. CPL  (Read 4642 times)

Offline 1954gladiator

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  • 44510 A-Cpl Stanley Vince Man.R 20th & 22nd Bn's
Rank of A. CPL
« on: January 23, 2009, 06:08:14 PM »
Just a final quick question to end a very productive day researching my grandfather & his Vince relatives.

My grandfather held the rank of A-CPL (I now know in the 20th Battalion Manchester Regiment).  What would his responsibilities have been?  Would he have commanded a group of soldiers & if so how many?  Could it be right that he might have led men over the top as I have been told he fought 'hand to hand' in Italy in 1917.

Thanks  :)
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Re: Rank of A. CPL
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2009, 08:44:41 PM »
Hi greatbeanbags

Taken from


Usually lettered A to D - or in the case of the Guards Regiments numbered 1 to 4 - each of the 4 Companies numbered 227 heads at full establishment. Each was commanded by a Major or Captain, with a Captain as Second-in-Command. Company HQ included a Company Sergeant-Major (CSM), a Company Quartermaster Sergeant (CQMS), 2 Privates acting as batmen and 3 as drivers. The body of the company was divided into 4 Platoons, each of which was commanded by a subaltern (a Lieutenant or Second Lieutenant). In total, the 4 Platoons consisted of 8 Sergeants, 10 Corporals, 4 Drummers, 4 Batmen and 188 Privates.

Each Platoon was subdivided into 4 Sections, each of 12 men under an NCO.

If asked, after his name, rank and number, a man might refer to himself as being in 3 Section, 2 Platoon, B Company, the Xth Umpshire Regiment.

A-Cpl = acting corporal

More at this link


Offline 1954gladiator

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Re: Rank of A. CPL
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2009, 12:23:17 PM »
Hi timberman

Many thanks for this info. :)

From what you said & sent (the Wikepedia) link a Corporal commands a body of men. Would you agree that in my gandfathers case 12?

Why A.CPL (Acting Corporal) instead of just Corporal - do you know?

The attached image shows him with his 2 bar Corporal chevron stripes on both arms!

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Re: Rank of A. CPL
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2009, 06:56:29 PM »
Hi greatbeanbags

I sure if any of the following info is wrong someone will say ;D

To be an Acting/Corporal is what it says he was acting as a corporal, this happened before the soldier was promoted to full corporal and recieved the paid to go with the rank (the pay bit might be wrong)
A corporal's role varies between regiments, but in the standard infantry role a corporal commands a section, with a Lance Corporal as Second-in-Command . When the section is split into fire teams, they command one each.

Until 1961, lance-corporal was only an appointment rather than a rank, given to privates who were acting NCOs, and could be taken away by the soldier's commanding officer (whereas a full corporal could only be demoted by court martial).

A section is a small infantry unit first introduced in the British Army. A section generally consists of about seven or eight soldiers, with a junior-NCO as commander. This would mean that your Grandfather would of lead soldiers into fighting.


Offline 1954gladiator

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  • 44510 A-Cpl Stanley Vince Man.R 20th & 22nd Bn's
Re: Rank of A. CPL
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2009, 11:00:33 AM »
thank you timberman. I think you have answered all my questions. :)
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