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Corporal H Quin - Royal Armoured Corps

Started by tony t, January 08, 2009, 08:12:50 PM

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tony t

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to research this soldier whose medals we found whilst clearing a relatives house after she died.I took the medals to a militaria dealer and he said that the number on one of them was a Manchester Regiment issue,so I thought someone on the forum may be able to help.The medals consist of a Territorial Efficiency (GV6),1939/45 Star,Africa Star with 8th Army bar,Italy Star, Defence & 1939-45 War Medal.Only the Territorial Efficiency is named - 3531083 Cpl H Quin RAC.Any information will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



Hi Tony

welcome to the forum

i do believe that is a Manchester Regiment number (but i'm not an expert ) , the naming is correct in that the TEM is the only one to be named. a very similar group to my fathers except he didn't get the defense medal



"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."

tony t

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the info but I'm confused why a soldier with a Manchester regiment number should be named to the Royal Armoured Corps. Was it that he was transferred and kept his original number? Also I keep seeing references on the site referring people to the Veterans agency in Glasgow to access service records,is this open to anyone or do you have to be a relative etc?





i think that a transfer is the most obvious reason, service numbers had ceased to be regimental after 1922, so the number he was first issued would have stuck with him no matter where he went

i have not had any experience other than getting my fathers service record from Glasgow, so i don't think i could give you any more advice other than what is on the website ( sorry)


"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."

Devil Wood

I tried to obtain dead uncles service record. Alas alack I was refused because I was not next of kin and did not have the permission of the next of kin.
NEXT OF KIN, of a dead person if unmarried is Father then mother. If married wife. If wife dead eldest surviving child. If unmarried eldest surviving brother or sister. If these are dead the ldest surviving child of the Brothers and sisters.
If needs be this then extends to cousins with the eldest surviving one nok.
If you can trace the next of kin they can give you permission to obtain the record or medals etc by completing the official form from the DOD.

Robert Bonner

A possible solution to this query is that this man could have been a pre-war territorial in the 10th Battalion based in Oldham.  On 31 October 1938 the 10th Battalion was disbanded and re-raised on the following day as 41st Royal Tank Regiment.  A second line unit known as 47th Royal Tanks Regiment was formed in April 1939.

Both these successor units to the 10th Manchesters served and fought in the Western Desert and both were badly mauled at El Alamein.


Based on Cpl Quin's # of 3531083, the regiment #'s & enlistment dates I have for some of the men I'm tracking – I have one chap (3531001) with an enlistment date of Friday April 28, 1939 & the next one on my list (3531101) dated Tuesday May 2, 1939.

I don't know if this helps...

tony t

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for this info,   I've just been on the 41st Royal Tank regiment association website and their unit history fits in his medal entitlement,as they served at home till 1942 then to North africa,Sicily and finally Italy till the end of the war.A friend of mine thought he may have been entitled to a France & Germany star but this is not the case,as he finished his war in Italy.I'm beginning to build up a picture of his service,which looks to be quite eventful to say the least!!

Thanks for everyones help so far,
