Author Topic: Pte E Webb  (Read 4414 times)

Offline rafboy

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Pte E Webb
« on: November 30, 2008, 12:21:38 PM »
The following is a re-posting as my first posting has vanished into the unknown.

I received the folowing request for help via Arthur Lane from his NESA site.  Can anyone Help Julie with information on her Great Uncle 10578456 Pte E Webb MM.  Julie's request is below.

Dear Sirs
I am trying to find information on my Great Uncle Pte. Edward Webb (10578456) who received the military medal from Queen Elizabeth I.  He was with the 8th Ardwick Manchester Regiment, I would like to find any newspaper clippings or just anything really I can show him that he may not have seen.  Can you please point me in the right direction or supply me with any web sites.
Thank you
A very proud
Julie Sheehan

Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC

Offline themonsstar

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Re: Pte E Webb
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2008, 01:52:55 PM »
He was awarded an Immediate award of the MM, for an action at Villa Grande, Italy on the 1st of May 1944, LG 3/8/44. The award is online on the NA Kew. she will have to pay to see it.

Offline Robert Bonner

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Re: Pte E Webb
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2008, 03:17:06 PM »
I have often wondered what became of Pte Webb. As Mons Star states, he was awarded the MM for his part in Operation Teal on 1st May 1944, part of the campaign in Italy.  The following extracts are from the draft of the history of the 8th Battalion, hopefully to see the light of day in mid 2009.

"The defensive area at Villa Grande occupied by the battalion consisted of small outposts around the main battalion position.  On 1st May Lieutenant Kerr and 15 other ranks of ‘D’ Company had been occupying a forward position codenamed ‘Teal’.  Their relief had arrived and as the handover was under way they were engaged by heavy mortar, machine-gun and infantry fire.  After the initial mortaring and under cover of their machine-gun fire, the German infantry, using stick grenades and demolition charges of Teller mines blew up the remaining walls of the houses in the outpost area. 
Although his own men had managed to get away Lieutenant Kerr  stayed behind in order to brief the Sergeant in charge of the relieving party. He was last seen by Sergeant Lee trying to reach the left forward Bren-gun position, which afterwards was found to have been blown up.   After searching the ruins, the Germans withdrew and the area was again heavily mortared for 30 minutes.  A relief patrol under Lieutenant Hill went out to get the few remaining unwounded men at ‘Teal’ but was himself killed whilst rescuing the wounded and organising the defence of the position.   It had been a sad day for the Ardwicks with two officers and seven other ranks killed. Officer casualties at that time meant that a number of junior officers from other regiments were brought into the battalion to make up strength.

On the 21st June Major Philip Wilson and Private Webb of ‘D’ Company attended an investiture at Division Headquarters. Major Wilson was presented with the ribbon of the MBE for his work whilst commanding the Divisional Battle School in Syria. Private Webb was presented with the ribbon of the Military Medal for his courage and devotion to duty during the attack on ‘Teal’ of 1st May.

On 1 June 1948 the Ardwicks joined other battalions of the Regiment in welcoming Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth on her appointment as Colonel-in-Chief.   The parade was held at Dunham Park, Altrincham, the temporary home of the Regimental Depot and the 1st Battalion.    During the parade Major P D Wilson was presented with his MBE, Lieutenant K G Moore his MC and Lance Corporal E Webb his MM.


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Re: Pte E Webb
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2008, 04:35:59 PM »
Not wishing to be pedantic, but the first post referring to Queen Elizabeth I is obviously a typo.
Queen Elizabeth II started in 1953, so the one mentioned must be, presumably, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.
Apologies if this was obvious from the start, or am I confused?


Offline rafboy

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Re: Pte E Webb
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2008, 01:50:16 PM »
The attached photos provided by Julie confirm that his Military Medal was presented by Queen Elizabeth then Queen as King George's wife later to be known as The Queen Mother after the Kings death.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2008, 02:07:13 PM by rafboy »
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC

Offline Robert Bonner

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Re: Pte E Webb
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2009, 10:49:46 AM »
Just to bring this post up to date.  There has been a certain amount of highly successful 'behind the scenes' activity resulting in Corporal Webb being brought to the monthly meeting of the Regimental Association at Ardwick Green yesterday by his son. Sadly he is now in a wheel chair but I understand that the visit went well, was much appreciated by the comrades and by the Webb family.
Very good to welcome him back into the Regimental familyafter a long absence.