Author Topic: Looking for any information on my Parents. Bill and Mary Murray  (Read 6530 times)


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Looking for any information on my Parents. Bill and Mary Murray
« on: November 16, 2009, 05:24:49 PM »
Hi all

Im looking for anybody who knew my late parents, my farther Bill Murray served with the 1st Battalion. I would particularly be interested in hearing from anyone who may have new him whilst he was stationed in Wavell Barracks in Berlin. I do not have all his details but I believe he was in support company. Whilst he was in Berlin he met and married my mother Mary Mountain from Ireland who I believe worked in the NAAFI..He was 6ft 2 and my mother was 5ft 1  I have seen pictures of them which were taken whilst they were courting in Berlin and they both used to speak very fondly of their time there. My dad later served in Malaya. I know this is a long shot but I have spent the last hour or so reading other posts from people and I was amazed at the terrific responses that have come through. Many thanks in advance and I would really be grateful for anything.

Paul :D

Offline tonyrod

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Re: Looking for any information on my Parents. Bill and Mary Murray
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2009, 06:34:58 PM »
hi paul, and welcome to the forum, first of all i will move this post to All Other Manchester Regiment Queries  were you should get more help,

Offline tonyrod

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Re: Looking for any information on my Parents. Bill and Mary Murray
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2009, 06:37:03 PM »
paul ,links, till others come along, the 1st bn were in berlin sept 1950- apr 1951 and sept 1954  -jan 1956                                                     tonyrod
« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 06:57:49 PM by tonyrod »

Offline george.theshed197

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Re: Looking for any information on my Parents. Bill and Mary Murray
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2009, 07:43:53 PM »
Good evening Paul,
Welcome aboard, I vaguely remember your father but will get in touch with Yosser Hughes who was also in Support company both in Berlin and Malaya to see what if anything he can add. He is currently Chairman of the Preston Branch of the Association - they meet up the first Thursday of the month 7.30 pm at the W.0's & Sgts Mess, Fulwood Barracks, Preston, should you get the opportunity and it's not too far from your abode, drop in and make yourself known.
Tonyrod, that picture of the old guardroom at Wavell Barracks brought back memories of Provost Sgt 'Barney' Lynch and his German Shepherd 'vetting' the lads as they returned to barraks four sheets to the wind.

Offline george.theshed197

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Re: Looking for any information on my Parents. Bill and Mary Murray
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2009, 09:26:22 AM »

Hi again Paul. I received this response from Yosser (Roy)Hughes

"I remember Bill Murray quite well,I remember him as
a Cpl in the A/TK Pl,I also vaguely remember his wedding to a NAAFI
girl(Name not remembered)I also remember Bill from SP Coy at Kulim,he
was still ATK meaning a foot slogger no requirements for A/TKS in the
Bluey,I cannot remember what happened to him,one day you are off on a 7
day patrol and on return your friends have been moved on.I think he was
posted home early,remember time served in BAOR counted towards the
length of time you spent overseas,we lost quite a few senior NCOS whose
service counted in BAOR."

Hopefully he may remember more as the days go by and will come in again, otherwise it would seem that for the time being that is all we have to date.

Further to my previous remark about that guardroom photograph - Barney's dog was called 'Bruno' a massive brute, could clear tha tail gate of a Bedford Screamer from sitting without touch it.

Cheers. George.


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Re: Looking for any information on my Parents. Bill and Mary Murray
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2009, 11:51:50 AM »
Thanks for the responses I really appreciate this information. My dad passed away many years ago but from memory the names Yosser Hughes, Ted and "ginge" amongst others would crop up from time to time when as a boy I would pull up a sandbag and listen to the storys. Also at his funeral in March 1977 some members of the regiment turned up to pay their last respects. I think the reason my dad returned home was because he was shot in the thigh, it troubled him for the rest of his life but he always used to say that the years with the regiment were the best years of his life. Additionally my mum had some photographs taken in the tier garten in Berlin, I seem to remember there was a large German sheppard in the photos, I wonder if that could have been Bruno.


Offline rafboy

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Re: Looking for any information on my Parents. Bill and Mary Murray
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2009, 12:19:22 PM »
Hi Paul
My father Arthur Phillips was in the 1st Bn and I went with him to Wuppertal, Berlin and Malaya.  He transfered to the RAPC on return to UK from Berlin but the Army sent him with the 1st Bn to Malaya.  We lived in Penang and I went to an Army boarding school in the Cameron Highlands.  I am sure my parents would have known yours.
Have you looked at the "Photos and Postcards by Battalion" section of the Forum?  There are photos there from Germany and Malaya.  Any you could add would be welcome.
I think you would like Robbert Bonner's book "Jungle Bashers" "A British Infantry Battalion in the Malayan Emergency 1951 - 1954.  The situation resulting in your father being wounded is in the text on Page 22.  The book is available from the Regimental Museum in Ashton Under Lyne.
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC

Offline george.theshed197

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Re: Looking for any information on my Parents. Bill and Mary Murray
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2009, 01:30:49 PM »
Hi again Paul,
The references you posted 'Ted' and 'Ginge' sound very much like Sgt Ted Spencer - he went on to become a Recruiting Sgt shortly after our return from Malaya but regretably died from Cancer shortly thereafter in 1972, and the one everyone who served in the Bn would remember - Cpl Ginger Fahey.
Another SP company lad your Dad would have known would have been 'Dibber' George Hughes of the Mortar Platoon who died in 1993. I have just thought of another possible 'Ted' Cpl Ted Burke who died 1995. To be honest there are not all that many of that old crowd left.
Amongst the photographs referred to by Cliff (rafboy) there should be one of the Cpls Mess taken behind the Wavell Barracks N.A.A.F.I in September 1950 and your Dad would have been on it, search it out and spot him.
Should I come up with any other info I will pass it on via this link,
Take care,


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Re: Looking for any information on my Parents. Bill and Mary Murray
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2009, 02:11:28 PM »
George, Cliff, tonyrod, and all thanks for your replies. I have ordered the book and im sat here trying to locate my dad on the Cpls mess photograph. I really do appreciate the replies and I promise I will get some photographs posted when I can.

Paul  :D