Author Topic: 2/8 Manchester battalion  (Read 2261 times)

Offline Saidy53

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2/8 Manchester battalion
« on: January 25, 2021, 08:47:40 AM »
Hello lm new to this site, hopi g you can help with our research, we found that our grandfather was on the police gazzette for absentees 1917, we were always told he absconded from a camp in Sussex ww1, would it be possible to trace him, we know of him after the war from 1926 but not hi g of him before we were told  he may have changed his name, we can only go by the rumours we were told by his children  thanks saidy

Offline Tim Bell

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Re: 2/8 Manchester battalion
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2021, 12:25:30 PM »
Hi Saidy,
Please can you provide a name and number if you have it?  Details of date of birth, residence, parents etc would also assist.
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Offline Saidy53

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Re: 2/8 Manchester battalion
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2021, 01:47:58 PM »
Hi Tim,, we knew Sydney John milligan has our grandfather,, the story goes he absconded from the army 1915 ish he met our grandmother Elsie yarnold at her home in balcombe Sussex, we were told he was billeted there she fell pregnant so they eloped he then we were told joined the merchant seaman, we have no details of him can't fi nd him on census, all we have are his marriage to Elsie in Birkenhead 1927 they married many years after they had seven children, recently l found news paper cuttings on Balcombe Web site saying the Manchester 2/8 ardwick battalion guarded the Balcombe railways,, one story was that Sydney was guarding the valcom e viaduct,, lve asked on many sites but my best upto date on Sydney is a police gazzette post saying he was at this, address it was posted 1917, the address turned out to be the same place his first son was born, so we thought we'd cracked it,, my husbands father once said he thought his father had a name change,, on the post 1917 it says he was a ships greeser aged 40 yrs so this makes him born 1877,, on the 1939 register it gives his birth as 26/12/87 but nothing for this, date and name match,, he died 1947 he  is a complete mystery.. Would we be able to track him down we think he may have changed his name after he left balcombe, I've tried to give you most of what we have heard from family, thanks saidy

Offline Tim Bell

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Re: 2/8 Manchester battalion
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2021, 05:14:28 PM »
Hi Saidy,
There's a family tree on Ancestry that suggests that Sydney was also known as John William Milligan, born 1884 and son of Robert and Margaret.  I can't find certain evidence that this was the same man, but JW was a Merchant Seaman in 1902-03. Elsie was a servant in Sussex in 1911.
If no service or disciplinary record can be found, there will be no medal record for a deserter who didn't serve overseas, so its probablu going to draw a blank on his military "career".
Following one Platoon and everything around them....

Offline Saidy53

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Re: 2/8 Manchester battalion
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2021, 05:34:22 PM »
Hi yes it does connect Sydney to John William, on ancestry a family member came up with this, l have all the family tree on John William going back to Scotland and Ireland,, the thing is my husband has now done a dna test and we have no links to John William,, which is a shame has it would be great if it was him but sadly not,lve made contact with family members from the milligan family tree over the years,the dna points to mulligans from Ireland, but the contacts are in America and way down the line,, lm waiting for a reply from a very close dna match that looks as if grandad may have been married or at least had another child with another,, thanks for your help,, saidy

Offline Saidy53

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Re: 2/8 Manchester battalion
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2023, 02:35:13 PM »
Hi l hope I'm posting in the correct place l wrote to you in 2021,,since then l have found more details on my husbands grandfather Sydney  John milligan,, with dna we found,, he went under a false name his true name was John mulligan his story is just to long to tell just now,,, we were told he was billeted with the yarnold family in balcombe Sussex 1915 also told he was guarding the Balcombe Bridge ww1,,, after seeing a news report it confirms he was billeted in balcombe,,
Sussex, the news cutting says he was in the 4th national reserves 8th Manchester battalion he was mentioned in this news cutting sling with a captain Steele,, they arrived in the village march 1915,,, from ardwick barracks,, l am trying to find sny info that may be available thankyou saidy