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Captain J D B Erskine

Started by User12321, February 02, 2023, 08:22:42 AM

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Hi all,

New member, I'm doing research into John David Beveridge Erskine (b. 03/04/1874).

I've already acquired his service records through the national archives and multiple ancestry websites and know about his career during the First World War as CO of 8th KSLI in Macedonia. I also have a handful of photographs

I specifically want to find more about his service in the Manchester regiment (1896-1911) I know he served with 2nd battalion for the majority of this time, specifically in the Boer War.

I'm posting here as I'm hoping there may be some archival information or photographs available to members of this forum that I haven't seen. I also don't know much about what he did in the boer war other than the battalion history and what is mentioned in the summary of his service on later service records. I know he was at the battle of biddulphsberg.

Grateful for any and all help