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Pte 2560 Edward Wrigley (52788 KLR, M/404437 RASC)

Started by PaulC, December 24, 2022, 07:41:49 PM

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Pte Edward Wrigley, 2560 Manchester Regiment, later 52788 The King's (Liverpool Regiment) and M/404437 Royal Army Service Corps. Born about 1876, husband of Mary Elizabeth Wrigley, of 336 Greenacres Road, Oldham. Enlisted at Oldham on 23/09/1914; served in Belgium & France from 31/07/1916 to 16/11/1917. Discharged on 12/02/1919 due to synovitis left knee and septic thumb, both attributable to service. Died 16/01/1921 from chronic nephritis and bronchitis.

Buried at Greenacres Cemetery, H1b/139.