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Eric Buckley

Started by Wypaz, August 16, 2022, 01:21:57 PM

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Hello everyone.

My name is Brian Fisher, I am the nephew of Eric Buckley of the Manchester 1st Battalion who died in Malaysia in 1952. I am just learning about my uncle. My grandfather didn't talk about him at all - you see Eric took his own life, its believed he was suffering with chronic PTSD at the time. Eric shot himself in his tent - a tragic end to a young lad who was serving his National Service when he was deployed to Malaysia via Singapore to 'fight' in what is known as the Malay Emergency. He had received the 6 weeks basic training and very limited 'jungle warfare training. Quite why he was sent there is a total mystery to the family. I am sure we are not the only family who suffered this needless loss.

I am travelling to Penang next year, and I will be the first member of the family to visit Eric's grave. We have received his Elizabeth Cross - I am considering taking it with me and placing it on his grave. Christ knows its the least gesture I can do for him.

Sites and resources like this are amazing - I thank the admin team for letting me join and for your ongoing work managing it.


Welcome to the Forum Brian.
Are you in touch with Carole, (Re your other post on her thread) she will already have a lot of information.
I would not leave the Elizabeth Cross on the grave it would be stolen quite quickly.
I will get back to you later, just going out for lunch. I have attached Eric's grave photo for you.
If you message me with your email address I will send the photo and a couple of others at a higher resolution.
You will love Penang.
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC


Thank you for such a quick and brilliant response Cliff.
Carole is my auntie - she put me on to Eric's information.
The major issue I have with the information regarding Eric's grave is that there is a middle initial of F.
I have a copy of Eric's birth certificate which doesn't feature any second given name.
Having said that, the photo we have of Eric is a striking double of my Granddad, his brother!

Thanks again Cliff, you're a star!

Brian I have sent your Email to cliff via the PM system on the forum.
We don't display Email addresses to stop spam.
Welcome to the forum.



Hi again Brian
I will email a couple of photos to you shortly, this way I don't have to reduce the file sizes to post them here.

This is the CWGC link to Western Road Christian Cemetery Penang, you can save the photos from this site, Eric's grave can be seen in one of them:
Note, CWGC only list War Dead here not the Malayan Confrontation.

There is a Facebook Group for this Cemetery:

If you have not already seen them have a look at the photos from Malaya:

Try to get hold of a copy of Robert Bonners book Jungle Bashers, out of print and not easy to find. You could try your local public library, they should be able to get it for you but may be a long wait for it. ISBN: 1873907125 (Bar Code: 9 781873 907122).
There is a L/Cpl Buckley mentioned on page 38 as being killed accidentally and on page 112 (Roll of Honour) is 22452173 Pte Eddie Buckley 28th February 1952.  I'm confident these refer to the same person as there is only one "Buckley" in any of the Malayan Cemeteries from that period.

Hope this helps.

Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC