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Researching 1st Bn, Manchester Regiment in N W Europe

Started by Red W, June 25, 2022, 01:35:12 PM

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Red W

78 years ago today, the war in North West Europe was about to start for 1st Battalion Manchester Regiment. The advance party had landed in Normandy on the afternoon of 23rd June and the rest of the battalion, aboard ships anchored off the south coast of England, were about to join a huge convey sailing for the French coast.

The journey of the machine gunners and mortar men of the Manchesters would take them from the beaches on which they landed, across occupied Europe and into the shattered Reich. It's a journey I've been following through sources in print and those held in archives and one I'm looking to re-tell. A little more about the project can be found here:

One of the recurring themes of my research has been the richness individual perspectives bring. I've been fortunate that a number of families have kindly shared anecdotes, records, papers and diaries and I wonder if any members here are able to point me in the direction of other families with a connection to 1st Battalion? Any help or information – no matter how small it may seem – is greatly appreciated.

Naturally, if families are looking to answer the question that I started with – "what did Grandad do in the war" – I'm happy to help where I can.