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8th (Ardwick) Battlion Malta 1940-43

Started by nikolai, March 10, 2022, 08:43:19 PM

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I am currently researching the Manchester regiment during the siege of Malta. Local archives in Malta don't have much to offer. However, it has come to my attention that the actual war diaries are available at the Tameside Local Studies & Archive Centre as well as the National archives in Kew. The former stated that they do not have "the equipment or time" to digitize them. Since I am from Malta, I cannot possibly visit the archive myself. This puts the future of these war diaries, the richest source for information on the 8th Battalion in Malta, in question.

I would like to ask if any members of this forum possess or are willing to make a digitized copy of these diaries for the sake of posterity and better research.


Tim Bell

Hi Nikolai,
The Regimental Archive was recently digitised and can be found here*&page=1&type=grid&sort=Regimental_Collection%20asc&filterBy=Regimental_Collection,%22Manchester%20Regiment%20Museum%22&spellCheck=true
I have to accept that I struggle with the indexing....
It may help to search the archive catalogue
Please let us know how you get on and welcome to the forum.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....


Thank you so much for your help!

Unfortunately, it would seem that only WW1 and inter-war period documents were digitized. Very few entries exist for WW2. I will try other means to get the second world war diaries and keep you updated.

Thanks again



Robert Bonner's book is still out there.

The Ardwick Boys went to Malta
A British Territorial Army Battalion during the siege 1940-1943.
ISBN 0 1873 907052
Published 1992. Fleur de Lys