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Pte 1536 Lewis Longson Grimshaw - 1/9th Bn

Started by Tim Bell, December 04, 2021, 11:28:41 AM

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Tim Bell

Lewis Grimshaw had been a collier at New ?? Colliery Company, Audenshaw, when he enlisted in 9th Bn on 13/11/1913, aged 17.  Lewis Embodied for overseas service on 05/08/1914 and embarked for Egypt on 10/09/1914. After landing at Gallipoli on 09/05/1915, Lewis was wounded at Cape Helles on 22/05/1915, with a compound fracture to the humerus. He was treated in No1 NZ Stat Hosp and evacuated t/o Port Said Hosp Egypt on 13/08/1915 prior to embarking for home on board HS Glenagarrow Castle on 08/09/1915, arriving in England on 23/09/1915.
Lewis was discharged unfit on 10/06/1916, with a pension for the GSW to his right elbow. The pension was increased in 1917 for an additional heart condition – with no statement on relationship to service.
Lewis died from unspecified disease on 03/07/1918, aged 21
The son of Jonas and Eliza Ann Grimshaw of.4 Duke Street, Ashton.  Husband of Mary Eliza Grimshaw of 143 Cotton Street, Ashton.  Mary received the War Gratuity but no pension beacuase they had married after discharge.
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