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Pte 4208 / 376655 John Edward Heywood – 2/10th Bn

Started by Tim Bell, December 04, 2021, 07:21:05 AM

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Tim Bell

John Heywood enlisted and embodied in 10th Bn at the Drill Hall, Oldham on 28/10/1915 '4208'.  He disembarked in France on 31/07/1916.  He was attached to 1st Bn KLR and received a GSW to the skull and leg on 28/08/1916. 
John returned home on 17/09/1916 where he was admitted to the Beach Borough Hosp.  He was transferred to the Grange War Hosp at Shorncliffe, Deal on 02/01/1917, where John was discharged to have a plate fitted to his skull.
John was discharged unfit due to wounds from 10th Bn on 20/03/1917, aged 40y 11m.  He died from an unspecified cause on 18/07/1918.
The husband of Eliza May Heywood of 25 Foster Street, Oldham. Two children.

The DC shows cause of death as perforated gastric ulcer and general peritonitis. Oldham Royal Infirmary. Clerk for food control committee
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