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Platoon Medical Orderlies

Started by artyhughes, May 14, 2020, 08:29:56 PM

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I was recently talking about military medical orderlies,it brought to mind the medical orderly of the mortar platoon in Malaya.His name and rank was Private Southworth,Pte Southworth suffered a serious head injury when we where returng from a patrol in an open vehicle which was involved in a traffic accident.Pte Southworth was a National Serviceman an above average caring medical orderly and a 1st class soldier.I never saw Pte Southworth again after he was taken away by ambulance and have often wondered what had become of him.


The good news is that from the casualty list attached it looks like he survived the accident.
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC


Many thanks Cliff,I know that he survived I was thinking more on the lines what did he do on discharge into civilian life,did he pursue a medical career he showed great interest in all things medical.