Hi, I'm searching for any info of relatives of Thomas Gill 2529. Records I have found so far are that he was in the 2nd batallion manchester reg ww1. Some sources put him as a lance corporal. I have found some census records but cant be sure I'm on the right track. He was sent to France and Flanders I believe around 15/8/1914 but captured just 2 weeks later on 26 or 27th august 1914. Capture location is recorded as Le Cateau or Frankreich. Previous camps recorded as Soltau, Meschede or Limburg. Seems he was sent to Holland for internment and made it home alive but cant find anything after that. Some census records have him in Chadderton in 1911 with maybe a sister called May but not his parents. But not entirely sure it's the right guy. I have found his Victory medal and would like to return it to his family if there is any.