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3529045 L/Cpl. T.W.Joinson : 1st Bn. Manchester Regiment

Started by PhilipG, February 21, 2021, 12:43:17 PM

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This NCO features in several places in the Forum's records and also in the battalion's history.  Accordingly, I have made an attempt to bring together some of the info. now available from those sources.    In April 1943 at Takau, Formosa, together with a US Marine by the name of Coleman Grealish, he was captured by the Japanese whilst trying to escape and condemned to death, receiving very severe treatment from his captors in the process.   We are informed, that despite what he had suffered, Corporal Joinson gave an appearance on parade prior to his being shot of being quite unconcerned, behaving as if attending an ordinary parade.       In due course, his remains were brought to Hong Kong and he is buried there in Sai Wan Cemetery.

As regards US Marine Grealish, I suggest that he was brought with others from the Philippines to work in Formosa.  In March 1942 General Douglas MacArthur was instructed by the US President to form a small party of military personnel - together with his family- and to leave Corregidor for Australia which he did.    It appears when leaving the Philippines he said "I shall return" and in October 1944 he did so.           PhilipG.


corporal joinson 1st manchesters and pte coleman grealish,60th CAC,US army sneaked out of camp on the evening of the 28-2-43,their intention was to make for the mountains,they were recaptured two days later,they were taken to taichu and interogated,beaten and tortured by the kempetai for a month,on 4th march they were paraded before the POWs,witnesses said they were that badly beaten that they were unrecognisable,the japs told the POWs that this is what happens if you escape,this is the last time you will see your mates,on 1st april both men were executed on the parade ground at taichu by firing squad,at first,it was reported that both men dug their own graves and then beheaded which proved untrue
pte grealish was to ill to be transported to japan when the rest of the americans left,thats why he was still on formosa




Thank you.    As indicated, the source of my contribution emanated from the battalion's history - a book published in 1954 - in which Major-General Costin submits an introduction; the author being Lieut.-Commander A.C.Bell RN (retd.).    Thus, I have assumed that his statement "an American soldier of the US Marine Corps" was a correct one.    I presume you have a later source which contradicts this assertion ?

In closing, do you agree that it could be likely that US soldiers captured in the Philippines could eventually find themselves in Formosa ?      PhilipG.


hiya philip
it was down to you about pte grealish that i found my info,i had no idea that cpl joinson had escaped with anyone else,i didnt even know about grealish,so i dug around and found the report on the two brave men,well done philip

with regards to the americans who were POWs at taiwan,i dont know where they were captured,but i would agree that your conclusion about the philipines may be correct



Quote from: PhilipG on February 24, 2021, 11:16:28 AM
Thank you, Cliff.   I take it that there is more to come re your post ?     PhilipG.
Hi Philip
Yes, sorry I forgot to add the link. Here it is:

Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC


Cliff,   Thank you.  Most interesting.   I see that the US serviceman is listed as Coleman D. Greelish of 60th CAC.    PhilipG.


Continuing :   Re L/Cpl Thomas William Joinson and the copy of his Certificate of Death (UK World War 2  POW's 1939-1945).   I see that it is annotated in connection with his death as "Unnatural Causes   Musketry  (shooting to death)".   As regards the place of his death, this is recorded in the document as "North Drill Field of Taiwan  8th unit".     His rank is given as Private.

The grave of Thomas William Joinson (senior) who died in 1947 has at the foot of its headstone the following inscription : - " Also L/Cpl Thomas William Joinson   Manchester Regt.  Killed in action April 1st 1943   Aged 27 years".



The US Army Draft Card for Coleman Dick Greelish gives his age on enlistment as 24 and that his employer was the US Naval Air Base in Jacksonville, Florida.  He enlisted at Fort MacArthur, San Pedro, California.   Subsequently he was assigned to 60th Coast Artillery Regt. which appears to be an Anti-Aircraft unit.    His Burial or Cremation Place is recorded as "Honolulu, Honolulu County, Hawaii".   I see that Pte Greelish's name is engraved on the panels of the US National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl) in Honolulu. A brave soldier.           PhilipG.


Referring to Reply No.2, I think it can now be assumed, that despite what it says in the battalion's history, "an American soldier of the US Marine Corps" was not the case.    PhilipG.