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Private 211 Mark Riley 6th Bn

Started by Tim Bell, November 14, 2021, 04:45:04 PM

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Tim Bell

Private 211 Mark Riley 6th Bn
Mark Riley / Reilley died from Pulmonary TB & Haemoptysis at Salford on 13/12/1914.  He was a member of the National Reserve attached to 6th Bn. The WFA Card note aggravation but we have no evidence Mark had embodied and he wouldn't qualify for commemoration.
Widow Annie lived at 10 Rose St, Pendleton.
A Court Martial record of 24/02/1904 shows a Pte M Riley of 2nd Bn  being imprisoned for 42 days for losing equipment at Aldershot. This was remitted to 21 days.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....