Samuel had previously been a Tram Guard and born 1895. He enlisted 23/11/1914 and disembarked with 22nd Bttn 11/11/1915. He was wounded GSW L Knee, in the opening days of the Battle of the Somme and evacuated Home on 7/7/1916 and Depot on 16/12/1916. He was discharged with SWB and Pension for his wounds on 13/8/1918.
Samuel died in Hospital 6/2/1920 from acute Olitis Media & Cerebral Disease.
His widow was Lilian of 41 High St, Droylesden, later 11 John St, S Hartlepool. Pension Refused. They had a daughter, Winifred Esther, born 25/8/1917. His parents were Esther Ann & John Thomas Smith.
The cause of death seems unrelated to Samuel’s wounds or service.