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My grandfather - Arthur Charles Hensman

Started by phil Pett, August 26, 2020, 11:16:47 AM

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phil Pett

Hello everyone,
I'm interested to find out about the Manchester Regiment.

My grandfather L cpl A C Hensman 1st Battalion died in Burma in 1944. I have his medals and intend to visit his grave in the future. 

Any suggestions about the history from around that time would be appreciated.




hiya phil
3523737 arthur,charles hensman
sadly your grandfather was unfortunate to get captured by the japs at singapore on 15th february 1942,and died as a prisoner on 19-7-44 at chungkai while working on the thailand-burma railway

born 26-9-1911
wife agnes,francis,flat 4.clowance st,devonport

his father 9315 george and his uncle 6662 ezra paul were long serving royal marines in the plymouth division,ezra was killed on 1st november 1914 in the battle of coronel on HMS monmouth

some of the gang may have some more info for you


phil Pett

Many thanks for the info. Can I ask where did you get the info about his father and uncle? Also his son? I would be very interested to find out more.



hiya phil
ignore the son william bit,he was a mix up by me,the wrong arthur hensman


phil Pett


Welcome Phill
I will see if I can add anything for you in the next day or so in the mean time I have turned your photo for you and added a copy that I had.
A visit to the area is well worth it.
If you message me with youre email address I can send you photos of the Chunki cemetery and the cemetery layout.

PS: I tried to attach the turned photo but it posted the original way so deleted it.
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC

phil Pett

I found this very colourful certificate and it would appear my grandfather must have re-inlisted at the outbreak of war.


hiya phil
your grandfather enlisted for ten years,7 with the colours and 3 in the reserve,this is to show the date of his colour service


phil Pett

Thanks Mack, where would I find that info myself?


Quote from: phil Pett on August 27, 2020, 12:52:14 PM
Thanks Mack, where would I find that info myself?

you have it in front of you phil,he was awarded the india general service medal with a clasp for burma 1930-1932,there are enlistment registers in the manchester archives at ashton that may have more info,ime not too clued up on this period,but some of the gang may know more.

phil,hope you dont mind me asking,is your mum patricia,the reason for asking is i cant find any children born to your grandparents,you can sometimes find the whereabouts of a soldier by the birth dates of his children

thanks for posting the picture of the certificate,ive never seen one before


phil Pett

My grandmother married Arthur, but she had my mother from a previous marriage. My mother is still alive.


hiya phil
your mum will probably remember her aunt and all her uncles

children of george,herbert+mary,ellen hensman.who married at the parish church,stonehouse 8-4-1900

names and births
william,john,19-8-1904,joined royal marines as 20476 w.j hensman 13-9-18
frances,h,s 20-11-1909,married royal marine 22076 stanley,frank blundy who was killed on 10-1-1941 on HMS illustrious,LSGC medal
arthur,charles,26-9-1911 manchester regiment
walter,2-12-1917 died shortly after

your great grandfather george was awarded the british war medal,his brother ezra,paul awarded 1914 star and war+victory medals



Phil check your Forum messages.
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC

phil Pett

Loads of really useful info. And the National archives are free to download now.


Phil, I looked for POW Record Cards on the National Archive site and it directs you to Find My Past so you have to pay to join to try to find them.
I believe you can still join the American FMP site for a month but it has to be a year for the UK one.
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC