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2nd manchesters 1914

Started by mack, March 16, 2010, 02:00:53 PM

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on 19th sept 1914,mr william appleton wrote and asked for news of his two sons george and james,he had recieved news that both had been killed in action with the 2nd manchesters,a reply came back that george was killed on 14th sept and the germans had reported that james had died on 26th august at le.cateau,on 10th+17th april 1915,mr appleton recieved two postcards stating that james was severly wounded and a prisoner of war at giessen,he later recieved news that he had been repatriated to england and admitted to king georges hospital at stamford st,london on 29-6-15 suffering from a gun shot wound in the spine which paralised him in both legs,he later regained partial feeling in one leg,but needed sticks to move around he was later admitted to the star+garter homes for disabled servicemen at richmond on 24th january 1916,but discharged on 7th march for misconduct.
james died at his home at 8 clopton st,hulme on 22nd february 1922
he was buried in southern cemetery,manchester on 1-3-1922
grave ref T.CE.182.

cpl 1972 george appleton
killed on 14-9-14
aged 20
pte 2653 james arthur appleton[C.coy]
sons of william+mary,32 howard st,hulme
james enlisted on 29-8-13 aged 20,worked as a labourer for richard purcell
awarded SWB No94273



I've recently started researching into my Great Great Uncle, 1972 Cpl George Appleton, and saw this post (I know it's old so there might not be any more information). Cpl Appleton was in the 2nd Battalion, and family information places him in E Company. He is cross-referenced as a casualty in the Mack's Miscellany post on Chivres, which matches the date he was killed.

He's commemorated at La Ferte sous Jouarre.

What was the source of this letter, and is it possible to view it? I'm also interested in the reference to James Arthur as this is a name I've not come across before when looking back into the family.

As he was an NCO in 1914 I'm also expecting Cpl G Appleton was a regular soldier prior to the outbreak of the Great War and would appreciate any hints on looking for his record before the conflict began as well.

Thanks for any help - new to the forum and searching so there's probably something obvious I've missed.


hiya paul
the letters etc are in james service records

another brother was WOII 1974 eli appleton 1st manchesters
and his other brother william was in the yorkshire regiment

the youngest brother joseph was too young to serve



James was reported as having been buried in an unknown grave on a list sent by the Germans via the Red Cross on a list dated 09.04.1915.

He had first been treated at Feld Lazarett 6 of the IX Armee Korps at Le Cateau before being transferred to Reserve Lazarett 1 (Garnison) Giessen sometime between 21 and 25.11.1914.

The list (attached and decoded) records his transfer from hospital to a PoW camp-
96. Infanterie Regiment von Reserve Lazarett 1 Giessen nach Kriegsgefangenen Lager Giessen. Gewehr Geschoss linker Rücken, Lähmung rechtes Bein.

96th Infantry Regiment from Reserve Hospital 1 Giessen to PoW Camp Giessen. Gun Shot Wound left side of back, paralysed right leg.



Thank you so much both of you! Turns out my great grandmother was one of ten, which I didn't realise. James Arthur and William are indeed brothers to Cpl George.

I'm also going to try and see what is known about their pre-War service.