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Samuel Jones 30641 (32516 Lincolnshire Regt)

Started by PaulC, September 26, 2023, 11:49:07 AM

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Pte Samuel Jones, enlisted 31/05/1915 South Lancs(?), trans. to KLR Regt(?) then to 30641 1st GB Manchester Regt. Served in India from 25/02/1916 to 22/02/1919, trans to. 32516 Lincs. on 19/07/1918, and to Class Z Reserve on 25/04/1919. Malaria orig. Aug 1917 India, attrib. to service. Married to Mary Agnes Thomas at Whiston on 27/10/1900, lived at 8 Railway View, Thatto Heath, St Helens. Died 11-12/04/1920, pension card gives cause of death as malaria & influenza. Buried at St Helens Cemetery, plot 15.188.

Tim Bell

Hi Paul,
This looks like a strong case, so long as the DC states malaria as a cause of death.  I'm happy to buy the DC if yoi're ok with that?
Following one Platoon and everything around them....


Tim Bell

Hi Paul,
I found the burial record on the council website.  Do you know how to gain the Register entry?
Following one Platoon and everything around them....


No, but Terry usually accepts the website. I will try to get a photo of the grave but it looks like it may be an unmarked public burial.

Tim Bell

Samuel died at St Helens Hospital on 11/04/1920, aged 41.  Cause of death was Malaria attrib to service and Infuenza,Former Coal Miner (Drawer) velow ground of 8 Railway View, Thatto Heath. The informant was his couson, William Roberts, of 40 Emily Street.  Records to be submitted to IFCP.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....