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Pte 21592 Bertram Harry Hamilton

Started by Tim Bell, March 01, 2020, 01:54:27 PM

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Tim Bell

Pte 21592 Bertram Harry Hamilton
Pte Hamilton had been a Maker-Up when he enlisted in 8th City / 23rd (Bantams) Bttn on 30/11/1914.  He was transferred to 2nd GB on 10/1/1916.
Discharged unfit from 2nd GB at Knowsley on 10/3/1916, Bertram had chronic rheumatism and a pre-service heart condition. No aggravation noted, so no pension award.
Bertram died on 15/12/1916, from Sarcoma Perioral Glands contracted on active service.
Widow Mary Jane and daughter Elsie received a pension at 6 Seal St, later 50 Hutchins St, Bradford.
Philips park cemetery.A.C.756
age 37
collyhurst war memorial
Not enough evidence that death due to service.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....

Tim Bell

Bertram Hamilton died from cancer commencing on Active Service. On Hold* as nothing supports the WFA card.Relationship not proven*
Following one Platoon and everything around them....