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Private 15797 Frederick Harrop

Started by Tim Bell, February 28, 2020, 07:29:49 AM

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Tim Bell

Private 15797 Frederick Harrop
Private Harrop enlisted as 2370 on 30/9/1888.  He served with 1st & 2nd Bttn  in India and the Boer War 1900/01 (3 Clasps). Fred was discharged at the end of his engagement, on 27/9/1901, with 13 years service. Fred re-enlisted on 10/12/1914, aged 43, serving in the Depot.
Discharged unfit on 17/12/1915, Fred received a Pension.
Fred died of disease n/k on 28/4/1916, aged 46.  Reg Stockport Q2 1916 8a/104.
A pension awarded to Fred's brother william as Guardian to one child. William lived as 11 Blackwater St, Porlwood, Stockport.  Fred's Next of Kin was noted as his sister, Hannah Jane Partington of 146 Higher hillGate, Stockport.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....


theres no record of this man being married or having children,freds father was Thomas who died years previous