Good work Paul,
I'll pull a file together for IFCP to review. I think I've had simaler cases acceepted on the WFA Card, where the pension / service record doesn't show the diagnosis of a "debility" and no contradiction to cause of death. At least DGAMS found the undiagnosed debility to be aggravated.
I'm also waiting for a DC on an epilepsy case where the pension shows debility and defective teeth consistent with symptoms of epilepsy - grinding teeth in seizure. Terry will put this case forward if the DC confirms epilepsy as cause of death.
It is strange how Thomas had so many spellings on his name and none of the records show Arbuthnot. I'm still dissapointed I missed the relevant WFA card. Thanks for spotting it.
Terry says debility is too broad and other cases have been refused for this. If bronchitis or clear sypmtoms of such were mentioned, we may have a different scenario.