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CQMS 899 Thomas Duffy DCM & Bar

Started by Tim Bell, February 03, 2020, 01:43:21 PM

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Tim Bell

CQMS Duffy served overseas with 1st Bttn.  He was Mentioned in Despatches 3 times and awarded the MM and DCM and Bar, as well as the Russian Cross of St George.
Thomas was discharged on 31/3/1919, with a Disability Pension cause n/k.
Thomas died from perotinitis in Oldham Infirmary on 14/7/1919.  He is buried in greenacres cemetery.C2.74.
Parents Patrick and Ellen (Stepmother), 19 Bridgwater St, Oldham. Pension awarded.
Edit for cause of death. Credit Oldham Chronicle
Following one Platoon and everything around them....

Tim Bell

I can find no evidence of cause of death or discharge for this brave soldier.  I have found some recognition in Press Reports. All courtesy British Library National Newspaper Archive
Following one Platoon and everything around them....