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Pte 982 Thomas Cheetham 8th Reserve Bttn & RDC 19897

Started by Tim Bell, June 24, 2020, 08:26:02 AM

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Tim Bell

Pte 982 Thomas Cheetham 8th Reserve Bttn & RDC 19897
Private Cheetham (Born 1867) enlisted in 8th Reserve Bttn on 31 December 1914, aged 47, having previously served with 1st Volunteer Battalion.  He served at Home with No3 Supernumerary Company at Leigh and transferred to 321st  Protection Company of the Royal Defence Corps on 29 April 1916.  Thomas was demobilised on 7 March 1919 and received a pension for Debility following Influenza attributable to service.
Thomas Cheetham died from TB on 5 February 1921. His widow Martha received a pension at 1 Dawless Terrace, off York Street, Wigan.  The couple had married in February 1917.
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