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Sgt 2909 John Gough

Started by Tim Bell, January 30, 2020, 06:27:34 PM

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Tim Bell

Sgt Gough had been a Dyer when enlisted in 3rd Bttn at Ashton on 09/09/1914, aged 44 y 7m. He had previously served in the KLR, discharged 20/3/1906. John was posted to 12th Bttn and promoted Sgt on 19/9/1914.
John was discharged unfit on 17/11/1914. Condition n/k.  He died from TB on 3/4/1915. Records state this was contracted on active service, but not attributed (though I believe this is what Contr is intended to mean).
Widow Annie & 4 children under 16, 15 Dunkirk St, Droylesden. Pension Awarded.
droylesden cemetery.C.85
Following one Platoon and everything around them....

Tim Bell

The Pension Card states John Gough contracted TB on (2 months) active service.  The service record doesn't support or contradict the statement although he was discharged as not likely to be an efficient soldier.  This probably means he failed the medical and was discharged as a result - meaning a contradiction with the WFA card.  We had a similar case refused in 2021.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....