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Sgt 14116 John Moss Cowley

Started by Tim Bell, January 30, 2020, 06:24:36 PM

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Tim Bell

Sgt Cowley had enlisted on 9/11/1914, in 24th Oldham Bttn.  He had previously served in the Lancs Fusils. He was posted to 27th R Bttn on 12/8/1915 and joined the BEF as Sgt with 2nd Bttn on 12/11/1916. He was posted to Depot in 1917 and returned to 17th Bttn on March 1918 and 2nd Bttn on 6/4/1918.  John was posted to Depot again on 25/4/1918.
John was discharged with Pension on 13/9/1919. He had GSW L shoulder, Injury to Knee, Varicose Veins - agg & VDH - attib.
John died from disease n/k on 23/2/1920. HOLD!
Widow Mary, 3 Prince St, Rhodes Bank, Oldham. Daught Sarah.
age 45
worked Oldham tramways
greenacres cemetery.H1A.13
Oldham tramways memorial
Following one Platoon and everything around them....

Tim Bell

John Cowley died from VDH at his home address.  His widow was in attendance. Army pensioner and illeg. Corporation? Pavior??
Case file to be sent to IFCP
Following one Platoon and everything around them....

Tim Bell

John Cowley was approved for commemoration today.
Awaiting adoption of burial at Greenacres
Following one Platoon and everything around them....

Tim Bell

John Crowley's burial has been accepted at Greenacres Cemetery.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....