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Pte 304169 Alfred Newton – 8th Bn

Started by Tim Bell, November 27, 2021, 04:45:03 PM

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Tim Bell

Alfred had been a stores porter when he attested on 09/12/1916.  He was mobilised on 07/08/1917 and posted to 8th Reserve Bn at Filey.  Alfred spent most of his service sick or admitted to hospital, apart from 21 days, suffering from bronchitis.  The condition had started in childhood and was not attributable to service or aggravated by it.
Alfred was discharged unfit due to chronic bronchitis on 28/03/1918, aged 32. He died from carcinoma of the stomach pm 12/06/1919.  He is buried in Phillips Park, Consecrated plot A.674. The husband of Emma Newton of 24 Grange Street, Bradford.
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