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Cpl 14315 Joseph Kenny

Started by Tim Bell, December 22, 2019, 02:23:49 PM

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Tim Bell

Pte Kenny enlisted in 24th Bttn 20/11/1914 and joined the BEF on 9/11/1915.  He was posted Home on 14/5/1917 (GSW R Leg 8/5/1917) and returned to 24th Bttn in Italy on 28/9/1917.   He was posted Home on 18/2/1919 and transferred to Reserve on 17/3/1919.  He received a Pension to 26/10/1920 due to 30% disablement for GSW to back & R Leg. The Pension Card shows service in the RASC T/386053 – where he may have been serving at the time of his death.  The Service Record is silent on RASC service.
John died from disease on 18/12/1920.  A Dependent's Pension was paid to his mother Fanny for his daughter Hannah Mary. 47 Hereford St, Oldham.
age 29
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