From the Oldham newpaper...
Sad circumstances surround the death of George Warburton, which took place at the home of his parents 27, Grains road, Shaw, on Saturday last. He was 26 years of age, and before joining the army in December, 1915, was employed as a piecer at the Shaw Spinning Company's mill. He served in A company of the 1/7 Manchester Regiment with the 2nd Division in France and Belgium, and in 1918 was gassed. He was discharged unfit from the forces in July, 1919, and was then suffering from consumption. He did not work again after serving in the army, and was confined to bed for a considerable period before his death. He was a regular attender at Nook Wesleyan Sunday School, and when his remains were interred at Crompton Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon the scholars sent a beautiful wreath. Deceased was of an amicable dispositon, and much sympathy has been expressed with the family in their loss.
I can't seem to post attachments but if anyone's interested in the DC just let me know. As far as I could tell when I visited, there is no headstone on his grave at Crompton.