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Pte 43406 Edgar Frederick Howard

Started by Tim Bell, January 09, 2020, 06:24:19 PM

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Tim Bell

Enlisted 179 Bgd  RFA L34027 18/6/1915. Deserted Witley Camp 27/11/1915. Enlisted G/11602 Middx 4/12/1915. Detained 17/1-26/2/1916. Hosp 3 days scabies and 1o days tonsillitis from 27/5/1916. 5th Middx. Posted BEF 1st Middx 30/6/1916. Attached early July and Transfer 17th Manch 1/9/1916. Field Court Martial insubordinate language 27/9/1916. Remitted sentence 22/10/1916.  Home Depot 17/1/1917.  Discharged Preston unfit with 100% disability from Dementia Praecox due to service on 15/2/1918. Suggested treatment as asylum.
Born Chelsea 1892. 1 Corunna Place, Stewarts Road, Battersea. Boilermaker. Son of Fredk Perry * Sarah Howard.
Edgar died from disease on 20/1/1919.  Registered Epsom Q1 1919 2a/65.  Probably died in Asylum in Epsom. Grave unknown.
While dementia praecox was seen as a disease, I'm cautious to apply for a DC, as other disease are more likely to have killed Edgar in an asylum.
but review early for a 17th Bttn man who fought at Guillemont and Flers with my Grandfather
Following one Platoon and everything around them....

Tim Bell

Edgar Howard died in Long Grove Asylum, Epsom, to which he had transferred from Middlesex War Hosp, Napsbury.  His cause of death was TB, which he has contracted 2 months prior and was not related.
The DC finalises the case, other than Edgar's burial.  Remembered here.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....