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Cpl 277184 Joseph Keane MM

Started by Tim Bell, January 06, 2020, 07:58:53 PM

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Tim Bell

Cpl Keane (Born 1887) served overseas after 1915 with 2/7th & 1/7th Bttns.
Joseph died at C on M from Lobar Pneumonia on 13/2/1919, aged 32. Chorlton Q1 1919 8c/1429.
Widow Janet (nee Evans) & Daugh Winfired 18 Blanshard St, C on M. Son of David & Ellen Keane (Deceaed). Joseph had been an Insurance Agent with Royal London in 1911.   The MM Award was published after Joseph's death in LG 17/06/1919.
No records indicate Joseph had been discharged, but he did die at Home. Need evidence to say in service or att / agg.  DC May specify occupation as Soldier? Same with Burial Record.
WG was automatically paid at the end of Demob Furlug, suggesting that Joseph was mobilised.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....


holy name of jesus RC church memorial,oxford rd,manchester