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Pte 38697 John Ashworth

Started by Tim Bell, January 01, 2020, 06:41:42 PM

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Tim Bell

Pte Ashworth (Born 1890) enlisted on 12/12/1915 and served overseas with 23rd & 2nd Bttns.  He was discharged 31/7/1918 with SWB, aged 28.  He received a Pension for 100% Disability for TB attributed to Service.
John died from TB on 30/5/1920, aged 30.  Reg Oldham Q2 1920 8d/685. Buried Chadderton Cem 5/6/1920. ND 138.
Son of Robert and Mary Ashworth, 47 Featherstall Ln, Oldham.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....

Tim Bell

DC attached confirming TB as cause of death.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....

Tim Bell

We need to see if John Ashworth has a headstone at Chadderton and review the inscription.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....

Tim Bell

John Ashworth's commemoration was approved by CWGC today. He now has an entry in UKBOR, pending acceptance of his burial at Chadderton Cemetery, where a new headstone may need to be erected.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....

Tim Bell

John Ashworth's burial has been accepted at Chadderton Cemetery.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....