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Pte 7911 James Gillcrist u

Started by Tim Bell, December 14, 2019, 03:59:45 PM

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Tim Bell

Pte Gillcrist had served in the 5th Militia Bttn and later in the Reserve.  His enlistment date is shown as 28/8/1902.  James extended his period on Reserve in August 1914 and joined the BEF with 2nd Bttn that month.  See was wounded GSW to R arm and contractions of fingers and discharged with SWB and Pension 14/8/1915]50% attributable.
James died from Pulmonary Disease 23/5/1920. As this was unrelated to his service or wounds, I can see no claim for commemoration criteria. Widow Elizabeth, 11 Robert St, C on M.
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