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Pte 3788 / 400443 Ernest Stubbs u

Started by Tim Bell, December 11, 2019, 08:21:09 AM

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Tim Bell

Ernest served overseas with 1/6th Bttn from 17/8/1915 and was discharged 13/12/1917.  He died from Heart disease on 30/09/1920.  His (unmarried) widow Edith Stubbs received pension awards.  New Eccles Road, Salford and later 6 Shenlow? Street.
There's no indication of the hearts disease being related to his service, other than Edith receiving a Pension. 
One of the Pension Cards mentions 28th Bttn, which I hadn't heard of previously.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....


the 28th battalion TF.was previously the 45th provisional battalion,it was disbanded at southend in march 1918,there was also a 29th battalion