Cpl Johnson (B 7/2/1879) was a Spinner / Cotton Mule Minder and time expired 16yrs Grenadier Guard, 6166 (1896- 18/4/1913 QSA 2 Clasps & Sudan Medal with Khartoum Clasp) when he enlisted in 3rd at Ashton on 12/8/1914 and later trained at Grantham with 11th Bttn. He was posted to 2nd Bttn with BEF on 23/2/1915. John was wounded by GSW on 19/4/1915. Promoted A/Cpl on 17/12/1917, John was posted Home on 6/3/1918.
John was discharged unfit from Birmingham War Hosp with VDH & Nephritis on 18/6/1918. 60 Norbury St, Glodwick, Oldham. The VDH was attributed to service originating at Maricourt in August 1915.
John died at his home at 60 Norbury St, Oldham, rom Trench Fever and Nephritis on 19/6/1918 – the day after discharge, aged 39. Reg Oldham Q2 1918 8d/655. Buried Royton cemetery.20.4608
Widow Elizabeth Ellen (M 1/12/1914) and 3 step-childrem (B 1903-07). 11 Garbutt St, Oldham.
DC to be ordered.