Cliff, looking at the photographs once more, I see that most in the group are wearing "utility" type battledress i.e. the pocket buttons are not covered by "flaps". I think it was a design to save cloth. It must have caused the loss of many blouse buttons when crawling. In the wedding photograph, your father is wearing the "non-utility" type battledress uniform. In that connection, what was the purpose of the button, just above shoe level on his right leg? Lastly, I recall, probably in 1946/7 a neighbour's son on leave wearing a Canadian Army battle dress, a uniform of some smartness and cut, presumably transferred to British forces as the Canadians had returned home. The trouble was that it was a slightly different shade of khaki from the British Army clothing. Such was the state of the country at that time that it would not seem to matter. PhilipG.