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Frederick Hall

Started by FMH825, May 30, 2019, 03:34:20 AM

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My father (Frederick Hall) signed up with the 7th Battalion Manchester regiment in 1915, regimental number 5278. Though another number 277055 appears on the Short Service document. This document like many was fire damaged in WWII. I know little about his service but he was demobbed from the Royal Signals Corps in Uxbridge. How would he have transitioned from the Manchesters to the Royal Signals Corps. Like many he spoke little about his WWI service but was a somewhat upset that he was occasionally criticized for not serving at the front, as he said it was not his choice.

Mike Hall Son

Also my uncle Ernest Wolstencroft enlisted in 3rd city battalion Manchesters, date of enlistment is not legible but he might have been discharged 2 March 1920. No specific question, I am happy to do the searching once I get a feel for the layout.



I see that the Royal Corps of Signals was formed in 1920 from the Signals Service of the Corps of Royal Engineers.    Do you know if he had expertise which would warrant his transfer to the Royal Engineers?   PhilipG.


Welcome to the forum

Frederick Hall enlisted under the Derby scheme on 12.12.1915 and was mobilized on 27.04.1916 and discharged from the Royal Engineers on 08.02.1919.

He first served with the 3/7th Bn before being transferred to the 5th Bn. He then volunteered to transfer to the Royal Engineers Signal Service. His civilian trade is given as either Postman or Telegraphy Messenger.

There are various regimental numbers on his service record - 5278 his original 7th Bn number, 5788 presumably his 5th Bn number, 277055 his post 1917 5th Bn number and 350809 his RE number (wrongly transcribed on Ancestry as 350899).

I can find no mention of the Royal Signals or Uxbridge in his service record on Ancestry, are you using a different site?

Ernest Wolstencroft served with the 18th, 24th and 16th Battalions having enlisted on 04.09.1914. He was discharged on 02.02.1919.



Thank you.

I remembered incorrectly, Hitchin not Uxbridge.

I have the standard letter of appreciation from OC Hitchin Signal depot, "saying good bye. to L/Cpl Hall F 277055 Royal Engineers", I can then read "General Commanding S.S. T......." but the print fades out.
His trade was entered as Postman when he joined. There is no date on this letter.

Again many thanks


I note that in 1913 a postal section was set up by the Army to be part of the Royal Engineers - R.E.P.S.   Furthermore, its staff were recruited solely from Post Office employees.    This would, perhaps, account for the eventual service of this soldier in the RE.     PhilipG.